DevLys 010 font-family
DevLys 010 is a traditional (english roman, latin character based) Devanagari font. It is the mo…
DevLys 010 is a traditional (english roman, latin character based) Devanagari font. It is the mo…
DevLys 020 font is a traditional (english roman, latin character based) Devanagari font. It is t…
Font Name : DevLys 010 Thin Family : DevLys 010 Subfamily : Thin Name For Humans: DevLys 010 Sty…
Font Name : DevLys 010 Italic Family : DevLys 010 Subfamily : Italic Name For Humans: DevLys …
Font Name : DevLys 010 Condensed Family : DevLys 010 Condensed Subfamily : Regular Name For Huma…
Font Name : DevLys 010 Bold Italic Family : DevLys 010 Subfamily : Bold Italic Name For Humans: …
Font Name : DevLys 010 Bold Family : DevLys 010 Subfamily : Bold Name For Humans: DevLys 010 Ver…