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If you are searching for beautiful, stylish, easy to use and high quality Hindi, Nepali true type fonts (.ttf), you are at the large collection of Devanagari fonts on internet. You can download and install Hindi, Nepali, Marathi, Gujarati, Bhojpuri, Maithali language fonts for your computers, PCs and mobile devices.

Most popular Devanagari fonts in India & Nepal are Kokila, Kruti Dev 014, Kruti Dev 016, DevLys, Nirmala UI, Mangal, Preeti, Kalimati, Annapurna, Sagarmatha, Ganess, Rukmini, Gauri, etc.

You can search and download all the listed fonts for free. Listed fonts are working perfectly on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, MacOS, WPS Office for Android and more devices.